Filipino celebrities

Maggie Wilson says her mother was arrested

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Maggie Wilson says her mother was arrested

Maggie Wilson and her 64-year-old mother.

Photo from Maggie Wilson's Instagram

Wilson says that her mother does not have a driver's license, nor does she know how to drive

MANILA, Philippines – Maggie Wilson said in a series of Instagram stories that her 64-year-old mother had been arrested for allegedly stealing a car on the morning of Wednesday, October 11. 

“A few moments ago, multiple police officers came to arrest my mom,” Wilson wrote.

The model questioned the arrest, saying that her mother does not have a driver’s license, nor does she know how to drive. 

“My mother has looked after our son and you through thick and thin. You’ve hit a new low,” Wilson wrote, appearing to be addressing her estranged husband Victor Consunji. 

Wilson said that she will continue to document the events that have been happening for the past month. She further lamented that the government and justice system refused to pay attention to her case, but she is hopeful that the rest of the world would be willing to. 

“One man is about to bring great shame to our country,” Wilson added. 

Later, the 34-year-old shared an Instagram post seemingly directed at Consunji, explaining that the current battle between the former couple did not happen because Wilson wanted money. 

She said that Consunji pledged to provide her with a monthly P20,000 stipend for her basic needs in late 2021, but the businessman never followed through, nor did she attempt to ask for it. 

“In fact, the house I moved into when I was still in Manila had six months’ worth of unpaid bills. I cleared that debt myself. I’ve even asked several times for the bank account details to pay for the ‘rent,’ but they wouldn’t give them to me,” Wilson said. 

Wilson also alleged that Consunji had been using borrowed money from investors to “try [to] get [her]” instead of paying off his debts to his suppliers, brokers, bank credit lines, and taxes, among others. 

“I get phone calls and messages every single day from people chasing debt. If you think for a moment that this is about me extracting money from him, it’s quite the opposite,” she wrote.

Wilson earlier took to Instagram in September to claim that paid online trolls spearheaded the current “smear campaign” against her and her company Acasa Manila. –

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