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Mark Leviste on relationship with Kris Aquino: ‘Hindi lang happy, full of love’


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Mark Leviste on relationship with Kris Aquino: ‘Hindi lang happy, full of love’

Mark Leviste's Instagram

The politician is currently in Los Angeles to take care of Kris

MANILA, Philippines – Batangas Vice Governor Mark Leviste revealed that he is in a “happy” and “full of love” relationship with media personality Kris Aquino.

In an interview with Teleradyo on Friday, June 16, the politician hinted at his romance with Kris when asked about the current state of his heart. “A happy vice governor makes a happy province,” he said.

Kailangan meron tayong pinaghuhugutan ng inspirasyon at ligaya,” he added. 

(We need to have something to draw inspiration and happiness from.)

Speculations of a romance between the two arose in February when Mark took to Instagram to post about their Valentine’s Day celebration together. However, Kris later clarified in a comment on the same post that he was only her “male best friend.” 

In an Instagram post on May 18, though, Kris seemingly made their romantic relationship public by thanking a certain “Marc” who fans suggested was Mark Leviste. “Thank you for agreeing to my request to not post pictures [and] keep our new relationship private. We are proof that love comes when you least expect it,” her post read. 

The couple are currently in Los Angeles, California, where Kris is undergoing treatment for five autoimmune diseases. With the possibility of a sixth disease, Kris began taking new medication in May. 

The politician explained that he is “taking care of her, keeping her company, while her son Bimby is back home in Manila.” He also shared updates on his partner’s health condition. “Well, Kris is currently resting right now. She’s on immunosuppressant medicines, which is chemotherapy medication, but in a much smaller dose compared to cancer patients,” he said.

He added that this situation has been “challenging and difficult” for them, but said that with the continued prayers and love from fans of the Queen of All Media, he trusts that she will be able to heal soon. – with additional reports from Cheska Lingad/Rappler.com

Cheska Lingad is a Rappler intern.

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