Filipino celebrities

Mother of Diego Loyzaga’s daughter claims actor kicked them out for another woman

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Mother of Diego Loyzaga’s daughter claims actor kicked them out for another woman
Alexis Suapengco also claims that Diego threatened to stop providing financial support for their child if she doesn't delete her post

MANILA, Philippines — Yoga teacher and model Alexis Suapengco came forward as the mother of Diego Loyzaga’s daughter, also claiming that the actor had kicked them out of his house to accommodate another woman. 

In a series of Instagram stories on Sunday, January 7, Suapengco shared the profile of a certain Cecile Mendoza with the caption: “So my baby daddy [Diego Loyzaga] decided to kick me out and his baby out of his house so this girl can come over.” 

She also shared a clip of Loyzaga’s past interview with Toni Gonzaga, wherein the actor opened up about doing rehab in 2018 for over a year.

“Yes he’s aware but he’s never sober,” she wrote. 

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In a separate story, Suapengco also claimed that Loyzaga had threatened to stop providing financial support for their child if she wouldn’t delete her post. 

“@diegoloyzaga said if I don’t take down the post, he won’t provide for my daughter daw. ok boy bye,” she wrote. 

Photography, Face, Head

As of writing, Loyzaga has yet to address Suapengco’s claims. 

This is the first time Suapengco talked openly about her relationship with Loyzaga, though in an Instagram post dated December 29, 2023, she had shared a photo of herself with the actor during her birthday celebration. Loyzaga’s sisters Angelina, Cheska, and Sam Cruz were also present at Suapengco’s celebration. 

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In a September 2023 interview with, Loyzaga said that he and the mother of his daughter mutually decided to keep their relationship private. 

“She’s not in showbiz.… We just want to have a quiet and peaceful life,” the actor said.

He also added that they were “raising the kid together.” 

It was in June 2023 when Loyzaga revealed that he had become a father–

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