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Rob Gomez says it’s ‘not an option’ for him to lose Shaila Rebortera, daughter Amelia


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Rob Gomez says it’s ‘not an option’ for him to lose Shaila Rebortera, daughter Amelia
'I'm sorry I said yes to being single when I'm not,' the actor says

MANILA, Philippines – Weeks after he was accused of physically and verbally abusing his partner Shaila Rebortera, Rob Gomez has come forward about having a family of his own. 

In an Instagram post on Sunday, August 27, the actor shared several photos of him with the former beauty queen and their daughter Amelia. 

“This is my why, my princess, my queen, my sunshine, and my world. My choice every day, in this lifetime and the next,” he captioned the post. 

Rob then addressed his family to apologize for keeping them a secret.

“I’m sorry I said yes to being single when I’m not. I promise to keep my promises to you this time,” he wrote. 

The actor added: “You are not an option for me to lose. I can’t wait to have you both back in my arms.” 

During the August 3 episode of Fast Talk With Boy Abunda, Rob said that he is single but he has “someone.” A day after, on August 4, Shaila revealed that she and Rob were parents to an eight-month old daughter named Amelia. 

She wrote that she was “told to wait for the perfect time to tell the world” about her daughter. “For over a year, I’ve been bursting to show you to the world, and to show you the world,” Shaila said then. 

On August 7, the beauty queen first alluded to the possibility that Rob was abusing her by sharing a series of photos of bruises on her body. 

On August 15, the beauty queen opened up about “[deciding] to leave” as she already has “over a year of being silent about the abuse.” 

Rob’s August 27 post is the first time that he addressed the family issue. As of writing, Shaila, whose Instagram account is set to private, has yet to react to the actor’s post. 

Rob is best known for starring in projects A Girl and a Guy, Magandang Dilag, and Mano Po Legacy: The Family Fortune. Meanwhile, Shaila was crowned Miss Multinational Philippines 2021. – Rappler.com

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