Filipina actresses

Roxanne Barcelo pregnant with 2nd child

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Roxanne Barcelo pregnant with 2nd child

PREGNANT. Roxanne Barcelo is expecting her second child with husband Jiggs.

Roxanne Barcelo's Instagram page

The Filipina actress is expecting her second baby boy with husband Jiggs!

MANILA, Philippines – Roxanne Barcelo is pregnant with her second child with non-showbiz husband Jiggs!

Barcelo shared the news in a Thursday, September 15, YouTube vlog, saying that they are having their second baby boy in a few months, at the end of January 2023. She also thanked her followers for joining them in their “beautiful journey.”

Barcelo and Jiggs welcomed their first son Cinco in June 2021. The Filipina actress-singer also revealed in December 2020 that she got married, keeping the location and date of the wedding, as well as her husband’s identity, under wraps then. Since then, Barcelo has been raising her family in Taiwan.

She is best known for her roles in GMA’s Karelasyon: Rigodon, Wagas and ABS-CBN’s Wildflower. –

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