beauty queens

Shamcey Supsup recovers from COVID-19

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Shamcey Supsup recovers from COVID-19

COVID-FREE. Beauty queen Shamcey Supsup revealed she has now recovered from COVID-19.

Shamcey Supsup's Instagram

'Lucky enough, we were able to get better at home,' says the Miss Universe Philippines National Director

Miss Universe Philippines National Director Shamcey Supsup said on Saturday, September 11, that she has recovered from COVID-19. 

“A few weeks ago, what we all thought was just a simple flu turned out to be COVID,” she said in a post. 

The Miss Universe 2011 third runner-up said that it “came as a shock” because she and her family had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. “But we still got infected and even had mild to moderate symptoms. I would describe it as a really bad flu.” 

Shamcey added, “It was also the first time that I’ve experienced a total loss of smell and taste. Lucky enough, we were able to get better at home.”

Shamcey’s recovery comes just two weeks before the coronation night of Miss Universe Philippines 2021, which is scheduled on September 25. Reigning queen Rabiya Mateo is set to crown her successor from the remaining top 30 candidates.

Fully vaccinated individuals who still contracted the COVID-19 are referred to as “breakthrough infections.” These infections are rare, but possible. Cases of breakthrough infections can either be asymptomatic or symptomatic, but vaccination can make symptoms less severe and reduce the likelihood of hospitalizations and/or death. 

COVID-19 cases in the Philippines have been surging in the past months, with the highly-infectious Delta variant as the most dominant variant int he country. It was been detected in all regions in the Philippines. On Saturday, the Philippines reported a record-high 26,303 new cases, bringing the number of overall cases to 2,206,021.  –

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