Filipina actresses

Sunshine Dizon opens up about battling PTSD, depression

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Sunshine Dizon opens up about battling PTSD, depression 

SUNSHINE DIZON. The actress joins ABS-CBN.

Screenshot from ABS-CBN

'I want to free myself from the stigma,' says Sunshine

MANILA, Philippines – Sunshine Dizon took to social media to open up about her mental health, saying that she’s been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, panic attacks, and abandonment issues. 

“Since I’m here alone feeling overwhelmed, guess it’s time to admit what I’ve been going through recently,” she said in an Instagram post on Saturday, December 3. 

The actress continued that these conditions are “just skimming the surface,” and that she’s on certain types of medications such as Xanor, Jovia, Stilnox, and Rivotril for emergencies. 

“You may ask, ‘Why now?’ Only because I want to free myself from the stigma,” she wrote. 

Sunshine then ended her post with a message to those who are also in the same condition as hers: “There’s nothing wrong [with asking] for help. I know it’s very hard to get stuck in your head. But we can do it, baby steps. One day at a time.”

Fellow celebrities such as Cherry Pie Picache, Sherilyn Tan, and Teresa Loyzaga left supportive messages on Sunshine’s post. 

Prior to revealing her mental health condition, Sunshine disclosed in an earlier post that she’s currently alone in the hospital. The actress did not share what caused her hospitalization except that she hoped it isn’t COVID-19. 

“Laying in a hospital bed alone at 3 am, I ask myself, ‘Was it all really worth it?’ [I] may never [know] the answers but I pray to God that I can let go of all my baggage, hurt, and guilt,” she said. 

Sunshine recently starred in the ABS-CBN series Marry Me, Marry You. 

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