Filipina actresses

Erika Rae Poturnak, Ina Raymundo’s firstborn, is all grown up

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Erika Rae Poturnak, Ina Raymundo’s firstborn, is all grown up
Erika is among Cornerstone Entertainment's newest talents

Erika Rae Poturnak, actress Ina Raymundo and Brian Poturnak’s daughter, has signed with Cornerstone Entertainment. The talent agency made the announcement on Thursday, September 3.

“A new face is coming your way. She is ready to conquer greater heights and we are all excited to see her flourish. Cornerstone Entertainment welcomes @erikarae.p! Your CS family is so happy for you.”

Let’s get to know Erika more.

She’s the eldest of 5

Erika, 18 is the eldest of Ina and Brian’s kids. She has a brother Jakob, and 3 younger sisters – Anika, Mikaela, and Minka.
She graduated from high school in 2020

Erika graduated from high school earlier this year. Her graduation ceremony happened online due to the coronavirus pandemic. In an Instagram post, her mom Ina wrote: “You said that this whole thing is surreal, but you’re trying not to dwell on the negative and look at only the positives that will come out of this.”

“Despite everything that is happening, you’re still able to maintain a bright outlook and be a wonderful role model to your little sisters. We will always be proud of you, Ate @erikarae.p.”
A different kind of debut

To celebrate her 18th birthday last year, Erika staged a photoshoot by the beach, flaunting her curves.

Erika Rae Poturnak, Ina Raymundo’s firstborn, is all grown up

Instead of the traditional debut, Erika opted for a club-themed party with family and friends. 

Erika Rae Poturnak, Ina Raymundo’s firstborn, is all grown up
Her first pictorial was shot by Mark Nicdao

Months before her birthday in 2019, Erika, who was just 17, had one of her first photoshoots with acclaimed photographer Mark Nicdao. Mark has shot portraits of actresses such as KC Concepcion, Ellen Adarna, Anne Curtis, and her mom Ina.

Ina, of course, was happy that her daughter did the shoot knowing she was shy. “My eldest daughter has been camera shy for years but it’s finally sinking in that it’s ok to show what she’s got,” Ina said.

She can carry a tune

In one of her Instagram videos, Erika sang with her mom. Ina told Pep in 2019 that Erika sings.
Ina’s wish is for Erika to be the next ‘Sabado Nights Girl’

In an interview with Pep in 2019, Ina said that one of her wishes was to pass the “Sabado Nights Girl” crown she earner in the 90s to Erika. Ina got the monicker when she appeared in the “Sabado Nights” commercial for a beer brand.

Ina even has the storyline in mind already.

Na parang nasa bar kami ‘tapos siya yung papasok, ‘tapos magmi-meet kami as mom and daughter, may date kami. Ayaw kong mag-preempt, pero I’m such a daydreamer. So, that’s one of my daydreams na sa kanya malilipat yung title,” she said.

(We can be in a bar and then she walks in, we meet and have a mother-daughter date. I don’t wanna preempt it but I’m such a daydreamer. One of my daydreams is to pass the title on to her.)

– Alexa Villano/

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