Filipino actors

LOOK: Zoren Legaspi and Carmina Villaroel’s twins turn 20

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LOOK: Zoren Legaspi and Carmina Villaroel’s twins turn 20

BIRTHDAY. The Legaspi family celebrate the 20th birthday of twins Cassy and Mavy.

Photo from Zoren Legaspi's Instagram

The family celebrate the occasion with a dinner in their home

Cassy and Mavy Legaspi, the twins of actors Zoren Legaspi and Carmina Villaroel, turned 20 years old on Wednesday, January 6.

The family celebrated the occasion together with a birthday cake at midnight and a dinner in their home.

Zoren and Carmina took to Instagram to share photos of the celebration, with Zoren saying “Happiest birthday to the best daughter [Cassy] and to the best son [Mavy]. God’s greatest gift to us.”

At the same time, Carmina shared her birthday wishes to “[their] super twins,” saying “Enjoy life. We will support and love you guys forever!”

Cassy and Mavy are the only children of Carmina and Zoren, who married in November 2012. The twins were born in the United States in 2001. –

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