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Derek Ramsay splits with girlfriend Joanne Villablanca

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Derek Ramsay splits with girlfriend Joanne Villablanca
'It's all for the best,' Derek Ramsay says about his breakup with long-time girlfriend Joanne Villablanca

MANILA, Philippines – After 6 years of dating, actor Derek Ramsay and model Joanne Villablanca have decided to end their relationship.

Ramsay confirmed the news to via an interview on Thursday, June 6. “Yes, we have broken up,” he said.

As for the details behind the breakup, Ramsay kept mum. “I’d like to keep that between the both of us. It’s all for the best,” he added.

The sudden separation comes only two months after Ramsay revealed plans to wed Joanne. During his contract signing with GMA in April 2019, he shared with the press his proposal ideas, according to a report.

“Marami na akong version na inisip sa utak. Pero wala pa kung ano ‘yung gagawin ko. It’s difficult kasi gusto ko, maiba (I have a lot of versions in mind, but nothing definite yet. It’s hard because I want it to be unique),” he said.

In December 2017, during an interview on Tonight With Boy Abunda, Ramsay also mentioned the idea of settling down with Joanne.

“My parents have been married for over 40 years. I just want to be prepared so that my marriage will last like my parents,” he said.

“She’s definitely the type who wants to get married, and I think the whole part of her moving in is steps towards that direction,” Ramsay added.

The pair got together in 2013. After 3 years of dating, they moved in together in 2017. –

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