
BTS SUGA starts process for military enlistment


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BTS SUGA starts process for military enlistment

BTS' Facebook

SUGA will be the third member of BTS to enlist in the military

MANILA, Philippines – After wrapping up the encore concerts for D-DAY: The Final, SUGA has been confirmed as the latest BTS member to serve in the military. 

According to a notice posted on BTS’ Weverse community on Monday, August 7, BIGHIT MUSIC stated that the 30-year-old South Korean rapper and producer “has initiated the military enlistment process by applying for the termination of his enlistment postponement.”

The label didn’t provide any date yet, but added that further updates on Suga’s enlistment will be shared “in due course.”

“We ask for your continued love and support for SUGA until he completes his military service and safely returns,” the agency added.

SUGA, whose real name is Min Yoongi and also uses the moniker Agust D for his solo activities, is now the third BTS member set to enlist. 

The eldest, Jin, was the first of the seven-member group to begin his enlistment in December 2022, with j-hope starting his military service in April 2023. 

The announcement about SUGA’s military plans came a day after he wrapped up his D-DAY: The Final concert tour. The show saw performances of SUGA with BTS members Jungkook for “Burn It” and Jimin on “Tony Montana.” 

It was even made more special when Jin and j-hope surprised the members and ARMYs by attending the Sunday, August 6 show.

The mandatory military service is undertaken by all able-bodied men from ages 18 to 28 years old in South Korea. Enlistment lasts from 18 to 21 months.

Since BTS announced a break from group activities in June 2022, the members have primarily focused on solo activities. 

SUGA has since pursued multiple solo endeavors, such as his first full-length album D-DAY as his other stage persona Agust D. He embarked on his SUGA | Agust D Tour from April to August. He is the first BTS member to go on a solo world tour, visiting countries such as the US, Singapore, and Japan. – with additional reports from Mika Geronimo/Rappler.com

Mika Geronimo is a Rappler intern.

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