
Filipina trainee Elisia Parmisano to debut as member of K-pop girl group


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Filipina trainee Elisia Parmisano to debut as member of K-pop girl group

PINOY PRIDE! Filipina trainee Elisia Parmisano is the first member of upcoming K-pop girl group PRISM.

Elisia Parmisano's Instagram

(1st UPDATE) The 14-year-old is the latest Filipina to raise the Philippine flag in the K-pop scene through the survival show 'Universe Ticket'

Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this story reported that PRISM will be the name of the girl group from the “Universe Ticket” survival show. This has been corrected.

MANILA, Philippines – Pinoy pride is strong once again in the world of K-pop as 14-year-old Elisia Parmisano was announced on Wednesday, January 10, as the first member of the upcoming K-pop girl group to be formed through the SBS K-pop survival show Universe Ticket.

Parmisano is a contestant on Universe Ticket, which first aired in November 2023. On the show, 82 female K-pop trainees from all over the world are made to complete several missions to fight for one of the eight spots in the girl group.

Throughout Universe Ticket, contestants are categorized into five levels depending on their performance and fan votes: P, R, I, S, and M.

The Filipina managed to reach the P Level, the highest level on the show, making her the first member of the “Universe Ticket” girl group out of a pool of 82 contestants.

The contestants’ rankings depend on both the judges – called Unicorns – and fan votes. “Hidden ticketing” – involving the contestants themselves and the producers on the show – was also employed which helped boost the ranking of some contestants.

The Unicorns or judges are actress and singer Kim Se-jeong, Girls Generation’s Hyoyeon, singer-songwriter and record producer Younha, Rian of LaChica, and singer, songwriter, and record producer Adora.

Parmisano, who started out as a child actress before making her foray into K-pop, was congratulated by several Filipino celebrities like Regine Velasquez, Vicki Belo, and Marian Rivera for her upcoming debut.

“This little girl is all grown up now and making a name for her self in the K-pop world. Congratulations Elisia, we are very proud of you,” Velasquez wrote in her post featuring photos with Parmisano as a child.

“All your hard work and sacrifice is paying off,” Belo commented under Velasquez’s post.

Meanwhile, Rivera posted a video message on her Instagram story for Parmisano.

“Congratulations sa ‘yo! Ipagpatuloy mo ang mga pangarap na ‘yan at alam kong marami ka pang magagawa at mararating, kaya naman God bless you more. We are so proud of you!” Rivera said.

(Congratulations to you! Keep working on your dreams because I know a lot more success is in store for you, so God bless you more. We are so proud of you!)

Another Filipina trainee, Gehlee Dangca, is currently ranked second and is close to completing the second-highest level on the show: R Level. Korean-Filipina Jin Hyeon-ju, a member of Kpop girl group Cignature, is among the 15 other remaining contestants who have a shot at debuting with Parmisano.

Hyeon-ju, also known as Belle, is currently ranked 10th.

Another Filipina trainee, Aya Natsumi, was earlier eliminated.

This comes just two months after 20-year-old Sophia Laforteza was announced as the first member of HYBE Labels and Geffen Records’ K-pop girl group KATSEYE.

Another Filipina in the K-pop scene is Chantal Vidal – known as Chanty – a member of girl group Lapillus. – Rappler.com

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