
SEVENTEEN named 1st-ever K-pop act to speak at UNESCO Youth Forum


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SEVENTEEN named 1st-ever K-pop act to speak at UNESCO Youth Forum

SEVENTEEN during the promotions of their 11th mini album 'SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN.'


The group will hold its own special hour-long session, which includes a speech and a performance

MANILA, Philippines – K-pop boy group SEVENTEEN made history after being tapped to speak at the UNESCO Youth Forum in Paris, making them the first-ever K-pop act set to appear at the forum. The group’s label PLEDIS Entertainment broke the news on Friday, October 27. 

“SEVENTEEN will be taking the podium at the 13th UNESCO Youth Forum held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France on November 14 at 7 pm (local time),” PLEDIS Entertainment said, according to a translation from Soompi

The group will hold its own special hour-long session, which includes a speech and a performance by its members. 

The 13th UNESCO Youth Forum’s theme revolves around the social impact of climate change, the ecological damage it has caused, and how it could put the youth at risk. 

The forum then aims to have young people – today’s changemakers – discuss and debate climate-related issues with those who shape public policy. The youth will also be given the opportunity to share their recommendations and solutions with UNESCO Member States at the General Conference. 

“Young people are key actors in driving the innovation required to achieve an equitable climate transition and are extremely motivated to do so. However, they often lack the resources and space to transform their ideas into impactful actions and reach their full potential,” UNESCO said. 

UNESCO has been holding its Youth Forums since 1999, allowing young individuals to provide fresh perspectives on world issues to Member States. The forums take place every two years, with representatives from all UNESCO Member States traveling to the UNESCO headquarters in Paris to participate in the discussions. 

SEVENTEEN is a 13-member K-pop boy group that debuted in May 2015 under PLEDIS Entertainment with the song “Adore U.” Since then, the group has produced hits like “HOT,” “Mansae,” “Don’t Wanna Cry,” and Aju Nice,” among others. – Rappler.com

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