
K-pop group SEVENTEEN named UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Youth


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K-pop group SEVENTEEN named UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Youth

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay and members of South Korean boy band SEVENTEEN pose during a photocall before their nomination ceremony as Goodwill Ambassador for Youth at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France, June 26, 2024.

Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters

'When you pursue your dream, please know that you are not alone. Find companionship with your fellow youth, and also give your support to them,' member Joshua says

MANILA, Philippines – K-pop boy group SEVENTEEN has been appointed as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Goodwill Ambassador for Youth.

K-pop group SEVENTEEN named UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Youth

In a ceremony held on Wednesday, June 26, in Paris, France, SEVENTEEN was rewarded by UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay with a diploma officially recognizing the group as a Goodwill Ambassador for Youth.

Leader S.Coups received the diploma on the group’s behalf.

“Beyond K-pop, SEVENTEEN has become a vector of expression for young people worldwide,” said Azoulay during her opening speech. She also said that the 13-member group will serve as a bridge between the youth, the agency’s values, and its aim for peace.

Member Joshua later took to the podium to make a statement for SEVENTEEN.

K-pop group SEVENTEEN named UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Youth

“Ever since we made our debut, our music has talked about our own experiences and genuine emotions. For the past nine years, in different stages of youth, we have engaged with people who love our music, or as we call them, CARATs,” Joshua said, acknowledging that their fanbase, CARATs, has helped the group forge a connection with the youth around the world.

Joshua then shared that SEVENTEEN began donating to children’s organizations in 2017, and in 2022, launched its global youth education campaign called “Going Together,” alongside the Korean National Commission for UNESCO. He also revealed that the group is teaming up with UNESCO to “take [their] ‘Going Together’ campaign to the next level.”

The vocalist then relayed SEVENTEEN’s visions as ambassadors for the youth, which the members say they derived from their personal experiences – starting with the idea that every unique dream the youth has is important, whether big or small.

“Second, when you pursue your dream, please know that you are not alone. Find companionship with your fellow youth, and also give your support to them. As much as hard work and drive are important, a supportive community and strong companionship also play a huge role in pursuit of our dreams,” Joshua said, highlighting that the group members’ companionship with each other was the key to their success.

He then highlighted the group’s commitment to promoting companionship, and helping form the supportive youth communities needed to actualize the bright future they have envisioned.

Joshua also announced that SEVENTEEN will be donating $1 million to UNESCO’s joint Global Youth Grant Scheme, which the group believes will help the youth turn their ideas into reality when it comes to bettering the world. He also asked that viewers anticipate an official announcement that will be made in August.

“For your dreams, SEVENTEEN will stand by your side. SEVENTEEN will be going together for your dream,” he ended his speech.

SEVENTEEN’s appointment marks the first time UNESCO has ever nominated an entire music group as a Goodwill Ambassador for Youth.

This comes months after SEVENTEEN delivered a speech and live performance at the UNESCO Youth Forum in November 2023, making them the first K-pop act to appear at the forum.

SEVENTEEN is a 13-member K-pop boy group that debuted in May 2015. Its members are S.Coups, Joshua, Jun, Dino, Vernon, Hoshi, DK, Wonwoo, Jeonghan, Seungkwan, The8, Woozi, and Mingyu. The group is known for hits like “MAESTRO,” “Pretty U,” “HOT,” and “Don’t Wanna Cry,” to name a few. – Rappler.com

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