
Ticket prices, seat plan: Mark Tuan’s ‘The Other Side’ concert in Manila

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Ticket prices, seat plan: Mark Tuan’s ‘The Other Side’ concert in Manila

Mark Tuan's Twitter

Tickets for the January 2024 show will be available starting December 22

MANILA, Philippines – Attention, Filipino AHGASEs! The ticket prices and seat plan for GOT7 member Mark Tuan’s upcoming The Other Side concert in the Philippines were announced on Friday, December 1. 

According to local promoter PULP Live World, ticket prices range from P5,500 for the Regular Seated section and P13,500 for the Royalty Standing section. 

Fan benefits such as 1:1 photo op, soundcheck access, goodbye session, exclusive signed photocard, and special poster are available depending on the ticket tier. 

Tickets will go on sale starting December 22, 12 noon, via SM Tickets website and outlets nationwide. 

The one-night show is set for January 14, 2024 at SM North EDSA.

Aside from Manila, the singer will also have stops in Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, and Seoul. 

Mark Tuan is the last of the GOT7 members to visit the Philippines for a show. Since 2022, all seven members have gone to the country for a concert. 

In August 2022, Mark Tuan released his solo album The Other Side. –

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