WATCH: Bea Alonzo recreates her most iconic movie lines

Vernise Tantuco

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WATCH: Bea Alonzo recreates her most iconic movie lines
At the dawn of Star Cinema's 25th year, Bea Alonzo reads out her most famous lines

MANILA, Philippines – Star Cinema is set to open its 25th year with Kasal – a Bea Alonzo starrer that follows the drama between the man her character is supposed to marry (Paulo Avelino) and her past love (Derek Ramsay).

It goes without saying that Bea has grown with Star Cinema, starring in many of its movies in iconic roles. Who could forget Basha and her heartbreak over Popoy (John Lloyd Cruz) in One More Chance, and later in A Second Chance? Or Bobbie in Four Sisters and a Wedding, or Sari from The Mistress?

In celebration of her new movie – and more to come – Bea read out a few of her most iconic lines from her previous roles.

Watch the video above and let us know what your favorite Bea Alonzo movie is in the comments below! –

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Vernise Tantuco

Vernise Tantuco is on Rappler's Research Team, fact checking suspicious claims, wrangling data, and telling stories that need to be heard.