Filipino movies

WATCH: Enchong Dee, Jasmine Curtis-Smith tell an unexpected love story in ‘Alter Me’ trailer

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WATCH: Enchong Dee, Jasmine Curtis-Smith tell an unexpected love story in ‘Alter Me’ trailer

'ALTER ME,' Enchong Dee and Jasmine Curtis-Smith star in the upcoming Netflix film.

Photo courtesy of Netflix

The film is set to premiere on Netflix on November 15

Enchong Dee and Jasmine Curtis-Smith are starring in the upcoming Netflix original film Alter Me, and viewers got a taste of their on-screen chemistry in the trailer, released on November 2.

The film tells the story of an HR manager (Jasmine) who enlists the help of a coveted escort (Enchong) to get more in touch with her emotions and learn to connect with other people.

WATCH: Enchong Dee, Jasmine Curtis-Smith tell an unexpected love story in ‘Alter Me’ trailer

The film is directed by RC Delos Reyes, written by Danno Christopher Mariquit, and produced by Viva Films and Ten17P.

It is set to premiere on Netflix on November 15, and will be available across Asia. –

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