
Motor racing-Brad Pitt’s F1 movie set for release in June 2025


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Motor racing-Brad Pitt’s F1 movie set for release in June 2025

Formula One F1 - British Grand Prix - Silverstone Circuit, Silverstone, Britain - July 9, 2023 Actor Brad Pitt during the filming of an F1-inspired movie Pool via

REUTERS/Christian Bruna

Brad Pitt's as-yet unnamed Formula One movie will be released globally on June 25 next year, with a North American debut two days later, F1 and Apple Original Films announced on Tuesday, June 18

Brad Pitt’s as-yet unnamed Formula One movie will be released globally on June 25 next year, with a North American debut two days later, F1 and Apple Original Films announced on Tuesday, June 18.

The film is being made with the cooperation of teams and drivers and directed by Joseph Kosinski, whose Top Gun: Maverick grossed $1.49 billion worldwide, with Jerry Bruckheimer as producer.

It will be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures in cinemas and IMAX.

Seven-times F1 world champion Lewis Hamilton is a co-producer, with filming starting last year and continuing during selected grand prix weekends this season.

The production team has had a garage and pitwall stand as a fictional 11th APX GP team. –

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