WATCH: Come sit at Unique’s table in the new music video for ‘Bukod Tangi’

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WATCH: Come sit at Unique’s table in the new music video for ‘Bukod Tangi’
The 360-degree video lets viewers come face to face with multiple Uniques

MANILA, Philippines – Unique Salonga dropped a new music video for his track “Bukod-Tangi,” and it’s basically a 360-degree mad tea party with the eccentric musician playing multiple versions of himself.

The video was released on O/C Records’ YouTube channel on Friday, February 7, with Unique starring “as himselves,” according to the video description. The video is set in a pink room with Unique sitting at a dessert-laden table with other Uniques.

As the video plays on, viewers can choose to scroll around the table to meet all the versions of Unique, or even scroll up or down to look at the ceiling or the table.

Unique released “Bukod-Tangi” in August 2019 – his first new song following his debut album Grandma, which was released in 2018. –

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