
Cha Eun-woo tests positive for COVID-19


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Cha Eun-woo tests positive for COVID-19

POSITIVE. The Korean singer and actor Cha Eun-woo is diagnosed with COVID-19.

Cha Eun-woo's Instagram page

The South Korean actor and ASTRO member's only symptom so far is a mild cold

MANILA, Philippines – South Korean singer and actor Cha Eun-woo was diagnosed with COVID-19 on Friday, March 18, according to Fantagio Entertainment, the label of K-pop group ASTRO.

In their statement, Fantagio said that the ASTRO member tested positive on a rapid antigen test he took as soon as he was starting to “feel unwell.” Currently, the K-pop singer only has a mild cold, and “will be focusing on treatment and recovery.”

Fantagio announced that he will not be able to participate in any scheduled activities.

“We will update you on the artist’s return to his scheduled activities in the future after checking when he will be released from quarantine,” it said.

The agency also said it will “continue to consider the health of the artists and staff foremost, and do its best for the fast recovery of the artist while following the government health authorities’ guidelines.”

Eun-woo is also known for his acting roles in several series such as Hit the Top, Sweet Revenge, and Top Management. He starred in 2018’s My ID is Gangnam Beauty, 2019’s Rookie Historian Goo Haeryung, and 2020’s True Beauty.

The actor recently held a virtual Philippine fan meet via Smart’s Hallyu Hangouts in January. In February 2021, he was announced as Penshoppe’s endorser. He held his first fan meeting in Manila in October 2019.

Fellow ASTRO members Sanha and Moonbin had also tested positive for the virus on March 8.

ASTRO is made up of six members: Cha Eun-woo, Moonbin, Rocky, Sanha, MJ, and JinJin. ASTRO made its debut in February 2016 with the single “Hide & Seek” from their first EP, Spring Up. Rappler.com

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