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LISTEN: Frizzle Anne channels pop royalty in new single ‘Natatangi’

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LISTEN: Frizzle Anne channels pop royalty in new single ‘Natatangi’

FRIZZLE ANNE. The singer-songwriter releases a new single.

Photo courtesy of O/C Records

The song is written by Frizzle herself, and produced by hitmaker Thyro Alfaro
LISTEN: Frizzle Anne channels pop royalty in new single ‘Natatangi’

Frizzle Anne brings out her inner 2000s pop star in her latest single, “Natatangi,” released on Friday, April 9.

In “Natatangi,” Frizzle channels Kyla’s R&B swag, Sarah Geronimo’s ballad bravado, and Mariah Carey’s high notes with her own soul/pop style to send a message of loving one’s self and all one’s flaws.

The song was written by Frizzle and produced, arranged, mixed, and mastered by hitmaker Thyro Alfaro.

Its release is accompanied by a music video where Frizzle serves 2000s party girl realness as she sways along to choreography by fellow O/C Records talent and social media star Dora Dorado. The music video was directed by Kean Cipriano.

The song is available on digital platforms, including Spotify and Apple Music. –

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