music festivals

Glastonbury festival kicks off as thousands of fans stream in


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Glastonbury festival kicks off as thousands of fans stream in

Revellers watch a drone show at Worthy Farm in Pilton, Somerset for the Glastonbury Festival, Britain, June 26, 2024.

REUTERS/Dylan Martinez

Coldplay, Dua Lipa, Shania Twain, and SEVENTEEN are among the featured performers for this year's festival

GLASTONBURY, England – Thousands of people began pouring into Worthy Farm in southwest England as the Glastonbury music festival kicked off on Wednesday, June 26, with hundreds of artists including Dua Lipa, Coldplay and Shania Twain set to enthrall fans.

The festival, which sells out of tickets within minutes even before its line-up is revealed, will close on Sunday, June 30, with R&B singer SZA slated to perform hits such as “Kill Bill” and “The Weekend” on the main Pyramid stage.

This year’s edition will also feature Afrobeats sensation Burna Boy, rapper Little Simz, American electro-rock group LCD Soundsystem, English singer PJ Harvey and K-pop group Seventeen, in one of Glastonbury’s least rock-heavy line-ups in recent years.

Sunny weather welcomed fans who arrived at Worthy Farm carrying rucksacks and camping gear.

James Trusson, 30, a sound engineer from Somerset who had queued overnight to be one of the first to arrive, said he had been coming to Glastonbury for 11 years and he would keep coming back because there was something going on in every field. 

“It’s just that magic you just don’t get at any other festival,” he said. “There’s not a better feeling really. It’s magical.” 

Known affectionately as Glasto, the festival was started by dairy farmer Michael Eavis in 1970, opening the day after guitar legend Jimi Hendrix died, with artists performing to 1,500 people who had bought 1-pound tickets which included free milk from the farm.

More than 50 years since and with its current capacity of over 200,000 people, the site becomes a colourful and sometimes muddy little city of tents for five days almost every June.

Fans spent 355 pounds ($450) for tickets this year, which sold out in under an hour in November. –

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