Filipino artists

Munimuni goes on hiatus

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Munimuni goes on hiatus

Photo by Paolo Abad/Rappler

'Mamimiss namin kayo,' writes the band on Twitter

Munimuni is going on hiatus.

The “makata pop” band announced on September 30 that they were taking a break from the music scene to rest amid these difficult times.

Maraming problema, maraming nakakalungkot, at the same time, maraming pangangailangan (there are a lot of problems, a lot of sadness, and a lot of needs to be met),” they wrote.

Kaya sa panahong ito, gusto sana namin ipaalam sa inyo na magpapahinga muna kami. Hiatus ika nga nila (So at this time, we want to let you know that we are taking a break. Hiatus, as they say),” they continued.

The band thanked their followers for their support, saying that in dark times, their support has been their light.

Salamat sa pag-asa na binibigay ninyo sa bawat isa sa amin (thank you for all the hope that you give each one of us),” they said.

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The 5-piece band is made up of Adj Jiao on vocals and guitar, TJ de Ocampo on vocals and guitar, Josh Tumaliuan on drums, John Owen Castro on flute, and Jolo Ferrer on bass.

The band first came together in 2012 and made their debut with the 2017 EP Simula, and has since performed in various festivals and gigs across the country, including their first solo concert at the Music Museum in 2018. –

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