
WATCH: NMIXX makes strong debut with ‘O.O’ music video


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WATCH: NMIXX makes strong debut with ‘O.O’ music video

NMIXX. The girl group from JYP Entertainment made their debut.

NMIXX's Twitter

Meet JYP Entertainment's newest girl group!

MANILA, Philippines – K-pop girl group NMIXX made a fierce debut on Tuesday, February 22, with the release of “O.O,” the title track for their first EP Ad Mare. 

The music video for “O.O” shows the seven members of NMIXX flaunting their diverse charms and dancing prowess as they sing about astonishing the world with their talent. The title track is a combination of hard-hitting teen-pop rock and EDM.

WATCH: NMIXX makes strong debut with ‘O.O’ music video

Aside from “O.O,” Ad Mare also includes the song “Tank” and instrumental versions of the two songs. 

NMIXX (pronounced as En-Mix) is the newest girl group from JYP Entertainment, following the debut of ITZY. The agency is also home to other successful female acts like Wonder Girls, miss A, and TWICE. 

The group is composed of Haewon, Lily, Sullyoon, Jinni, Jiwoo, Bae, and Kyujin. – Rappler.com 

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