LOOK: Paulo Avelino, Jodie Elizabeth Tarasek make red carpet debut


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LOOK: Paulo Avelino, Jodie Elizabeth Tarasek make red carpet debut
The couple confirmed their relationship in July

MANILA, Philippines – Paulo Avelino and his Fil-Polish girlfriend Jodie Elizabeth Tarasek could not have chosen a more glamorous occassion to make their red carpet debut.

The couple stepped out together on September 30 at the Star Magic Ball 2017 in Makati Shangri-la.

Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

Jodie wore a sleek white dress by Tom Ford, while Paulo, styled by Marco Henson, wore a black suit with a studded lapel.

Paulo and Jodie confirmed they were dating in July 2017.

Paulo is currently starring in the historical drama, The Promise of Forever, and is set to return to the big screen as Gregorio del Pilar in Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral. – Rappler.com

More Star Magic Ball 2017 on Rappler:

Before the ball: 

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