Vietnamese jet-setter who attended Paris, Milan fashion weeks tests positive for coronavirus

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Vietnamese jet-setter who attended Paris, Milan fashion weeks tests positive for coronavirus
Attendees of the shows have since been on self-imposed quarantine

MANILA, Philippines – A 27-year-old Vietnamese fashionista who attended two major fashion events in Europe tested positive for the novel coronavirus, according to the South China Morning Post.

Nga Nguyen dropped by the Paris and Milan fashion weeks during a trip to Europe. She attended both the Yves Saint Laurent and Gucci shows in Paris and Milan, according to SCMP.

Her sister, Nguyen Hong Nhung, also tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The two only tested positive for the virus upon arrival in Vietnam. According to SCMP, the two women are daughters of a steel magnate.

Attendees of the shows – including fashion editors and buyers – have since been on self-imposed quarantine, according to SCMP.

Milan Fashion Week happened from February 18 to 24, while Paris Fashion Week began on February 24 and ended on March 3.

The global death toll due to the novel coronavirus has reached 3,819, with 3,119 of the fatalities in China. The number of cases worldwide has risen to 109,946, with 80,735 of the infections in China. The virus has spread to at least 99 countries. – with reports from Agence France-Presse/

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