
US rap mogul P. Diddy arrested in Los Angeles

Agence France-Presse

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US rap mogul P. Diddy arrested in Los Angeles
The rapper is taken to custody for using a kettlebell as a weapon

LOS ANGELES, USA – American rap mogul P. Diddy was arrested in Los Angeles on Monday, June 22 for assault with a deadly weapon – in this case, a kettlebell.

No one was seriously hurt in the incident at the University of California, Los Angeles sports center, and police have launched an investigation, the school said. 

P. Diddy – real name Sean Combs, 45 – likely will be moved to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Inmate Reception Center, officials said.

Entertainment website TMZ said that Combs attacked one of the trainers at the center. 

It was not immediately clear what transpired. But one of Comb’s sons has played special teams for the university’s squad. 

“I’m thankful that our staff showed the level of professionalism that they did in handling this situation. This is an unfortunate incident for all parties involved,” football coach Jim Mora said in a statement. 

“While UCPD continues to review this matter, we will let the legal process run its course and refrain from further comment at this time.”

Combs, who had a hand in the careers of artists including Mary J. Blige, Biggie, Usher and Lil’ Kim, has an estimated $700 million fortune.

He has worked an a top artist, producer, actor, fashion designer, fashion brand owner and investor.  –

P. Diddy photo from Shutterstock

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