Ms PH Earth Tanauan City: Diane Querrer

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Ms PH Earth Tanauan City: Diane Querrer
Meet Ms PH Earth Tanauan City

NAME: Diane Carmela T. Querrer


AGE: 25

How she describes her childhood: I was very much loved during my childhood years. I felt very blessed to have a very supportive family always on my side. At a young age, I was already exposed to our family business and that made me appreciate entrepreneurship and how important hard work was. One of my hobbies during my growing years was reading. Since then, my books have always been my great buddies. 

Lessons learned from childhood: First is to put God at the center of my life. My parents taught me that life becomes meaningful and fruitful when I put God first in everything that I do. Second is that discipline is an important attitude one must posses. This was taught to me through simple acts like fixing my bed before leaving, segregating my trash, and managing my time well. Last is to be brave to pursue my dreams. I was constantly reminded that all things are possible with God as long as I also put my passion and hard work into things that I really wanted.

Most memorable moment: My most memorable moment was when my best friend and I reached the summit of the highest mountain in Luzon, which is Mount Pulag. It was then our first time to climb a mountain and we never thought that we could reach the summit. It was peaceful seeing the beautiful sunrise, almost touching the clouds. For me, that experience was a genuine close encounter with the beauty of our nature. Now, I am looking forward to climbing more mountains and experiencing more of the splendor of our environment.  

Environmental advocacy: Teaching young children how they can help our environment, specifically how they can fight against global warming, is my environmental advocacy. I believe that awareness plays a very vital role in protecting our nature. I would like young children to be eco-warriors already at a young age. –


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