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LOOK: Iona Gibbs arrives in Egypt for Miss Intercontinental 2023

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LOOK: Iona Gibbs arrives in Egypt for Miss Intercontinental 2023

IONA GIBBS. The Philippine representative is in Egypt for the Miss Intercontinental 2023 competition.

Mutya ng Pilipinas' Facebook

Iona is competing in hopes of winning the Philippines' third Miss Intercontinental crown

MANILA, Philippines – Mutya ng Pilipinas 2022 Iona Gibbs has safely arrived in Egypt on Monday, November 27, ahead of the Miss Intercontinental 2023 pageant. 

The Filipino-Canadian beauty queen from Bataan shared photos of herself at the Sharm El Sheikh airport in an Instagram post. 

“I am more than ready to begin raising our flag here at our gorgeous little paradise, and I cannot wait to bring you all along on the ride,” she wrote. 

Gibbs also expressed her gratitude to her supporters, saying that their “prayers, love, and words of encouragement have been everything [to her].” 

Since her arrival, Gibbs has been documenting her activities and sharing them on social media. 

“I’m so beyond excited and ready to see what the next three weeks have in store! If it was anything like today, I know I’ll be in for the time of my life,” she said. 

Gibbs was crowned Mutya ng Pilipinas in December 2022. In February 2023, she was appointed as the Philippines’ representative for the Miss Intercontinental pageant after the Mutya ng Pilipinas organization forged ties with the Miss Intercontinental franchise. Prior to this, the Miss Intercontinental franchise was previously held by Binibining Pilipinas Charities Inc.

Gibbs is competing in the hopes of winning the Philippines’ third Miss Intercontinental crown following Karen Gallman (2018) and Cinderella Faye Obeñita (2021). 

The Miss Intercontinental 2023 coronation night is slated for December 15. Vietnam’s Bao Ngoc will be crowning her successor. –

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