Miss Universe

LOOK: Michelle Dee arrives in El Salvador for Miss Universe 2023


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LOOK: Michelle Dee arrives in El Salvador for Miss Universe 2023

ALL SET. Michelle Dee poses at the airport during her arrival in El Salvador for the Miss Universe pageant.

Miss Universe Philippines' Facebook

'I can't wait to take you all along to my journey,' Miss Universe Philippines 2023 Michelle Dee says during her arrival

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ Michelle Dee has safely arrived in El Salvador ahead of the Miss Universe pageant. 

Sporting an all-denim outfit with her Miss Universe Philippines sash, the actress-model shared photos of her arrival in El Salvador on Saturday, November 4.

The Miss Universe Philippines organization also posted a video of Dee sharing what she’s looking forward to in the upcoming pageant. 

“I am so excited,” she said. “All of the girls here are so amazing. And I can’t wait to take you all along to my journey.”

Dee left the Philippines on October 31 and stayed for several days in Los Angeles, USA, before she flew to El Salvador. 

As for her performance in the competition, Dee is shaping to be one of the frontrunners in the pre-pageant activities. 

She’s among the top candidates leading the fan vote, as well as the pageant’s Voice for Change category. 

Fans can cast their Voice for Change votes on the CI Talks website. A user can cast a single vote for free per valid email address, while tiered voting is also available, with three votes costing $1, and 1,000 votes costing $199.99. One may vote every 12 hours. 

Meanwhile, pageant fans can continue to show their support for Dee in the fan voting event. The candidates with the most votes are automatically assured of a spot in the semifinals. 

The Miss Universe 2023 coronation is set for November 18, with USA’s R’Bonney Gabriel crowning her successor. Over 80 delegates are expected to participate in the pageant. 

The 2023 edition will be the first Miss Universe edition after Thai media company, JKN Global Group, acquired the brand from IMG. It will also be the first global edition that allows married women and mothers to compete.  

Dee is competing in hopes of winning the country’s fifth Miss Universe crown, with its recent winners being Pia Wurtzbach in 2015 and Catriona Gray in 2018. – Rappler.com

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