beauty queens

WATCH: Michelle Dee’s family tree, as explained by a Filipino genealogist

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WATCH: Michelle Dee’s family tree, as explained by a Filipino genealogist

FATHER-DAUGHTER. Michelle Dee is the daughter of actor and film producer Derek Dee.

Michelle Dee's Instagram

In a Facebook video, genealogist Mighty Magulang takes viewers through the fascinating lineage of the beauty queen

MANILA, Philippines – Apparently, Miss Universe Philippines 2023 Michelle Marquez Dee has an even more “fascinating ancestry” to her name!

Filipino genealogist and content creator Mighty Magulang – whose real name is Mona Magno-Veluz – created an over two-minute video explainer on the family tree and lineage of the beauty queen, who is the daughter of beauty icon and Miss International 1979 Melanie Marquez and film actor-producer Derek Dee.

The detailed video takes viewers on a historical journey, including the origins of Dee’s great great grandparents from the 1840s – her paternal set from Imus, Cavite and family from Quezon.

According to Mighty Magulang, the first Dee family patriarch to set foot in the Philippines was Dee Phi Phay, who arrived from Fujian, China in the late 1700s. Fast forward a few centuries, and viewers can learn that Michelle’s paternal great grandfather, Yu Hung-Chun, had even served as the mayor of Shanghai in the 1930s.

Mighty Magulang coins herself as a “history geek, ninuno hunter, and certified tita.” According to Oxford Dictionary, a genealogist is a person who traces or studies lines of family descent.

Philippine bet Dee, 28, ended her Miss Universe 2023 journey in the Top 10 during the pageant’s finals night in El Salvador on Sunday, November 19. The beauty queen from Makati City was one of the Gold winners for the pageant’s “Voice for Change” category, with her advocacy focusing on autism acceptance, inclusivity, and empowerment. –

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