beauty queens

Miss Grand PH contestant Catherine Camilon spotted bloodied, says police

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Miss Grand PH contestant Catherine Camilon spotted bloodied, says police

Catherine Camilon's Instagram

Police adds that the gunman was 'positively identified' and that the witnesses are 'very certain about it'

MANILA, Philippines – Missing Miss Grand Philippines 2023 Catherine Camilon was reportedly seen by witnesses covered in blood while being transferred to a vehicle, according to authorities. 

In an interview with GMA News on Tuesday, November 7, Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) Director Major General Romeo Camarat Jr. said that two witnesses have come forward to claim that they saw the beauty queen on the night of October 12, hours before her relatives reported that she was missing. 

According to the authorities, the witnesses claimed that they saw a bloodied Camilon being transferred by three men from her car to another vehicle. 

The witnesses added that the men carrying Camilon saw them, and that one pointed a gun at them. 

The police also shared that the gunman was “positively identified” through the rogue’s gallery of the CIDG. The witnesses were reportedly “very certain about it” as the gunman was recognizable because of his tattoo and physical features. 

The development came a day after Philippine National Police (PNP)’s Police Gen. Benjamin Acorda, Jr. claimed that there was “significant progress” in the case of Camilon. 

Accord also appealed to the perpetrators to consider surrendering to mitigate their offense.

Medyo maganda na direksyon ng investigation,” he said.

(The investigation is headed in a good direction.) 

Camilon was first reported missing on October 12. Her mother Rose Camilon said that she last had a conversation with her daughter around 8 pm of October 12, wherein she was told that the 26-year-old high school teacher was at a gasoline station in Bauan. 

Both Camilon’s mother and sister took to social media on Friday, October 14 to reach out to anyone who might have seen their relative, as they hadn’t heard from her yet.

The Batangas Police Provincial Office has earlier intensified their efforts to look into Camilon’s disappearance. 

Camilon represented Tuy, Batangas  in the Miss Grand Philippines 2023 pageant in July. –

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