Miss Universe Philippines

LOOK: These are the Top 5 delegates for Miss Universe PH 2023’s swimsuit challenge


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LOOK: These are the Top 5 delegates for Miss Universe PH 2023’s swimsuit challenge

Miss Universe Philippnes' Facebook

The swimsuit challenge is the first of the pageant's three online challenges

MANILA, Philippines – The Miss Universe Philippines (MUPH) organization announced on Monday, April 24, the five delegates who topped the online swimsuit challenge of the 2023 pageant. 

The Top 5 consist of Agusan del Norte’s Jannarie Zarzoso, Bohol’s Pauline Amelinckx, Bulacan’s Princess Anne Marcos, Capiz’ Shayne Glenmae Maquiran, and Pampanga’s Angelique Manto. 

This is the second time for Agusan del Norte’s Zarzoso, Bulacan’s Marcos, and Pampagan’s Manto to be part of the Top 5 as they’re also part of the top delegates in the photoshoot challenge. 

The votes were accumulated from the MUPH app during the April 10 to 23 voting period. The swimsuit challenge was initially meant to run for only a week, but MUPH announced a one-week extension. 

MUPH did not disclose who ranked first in the swimsuit challenge, but they’ve confirmed that the delegates with the highest votes in the online challenges will secure a semifinals spot in the pageant. 

The swimsuit challenge is the second of the pageant’s three online challenges, with only the runway challenge remaining. 

The Miss Universe Philippines 2023 pageant night is scheduled for May 13 at the Mall of Asia Arena. It is the first edition of the Miss Universe pageant to allow mothers and wives to be part of the competition. 

Celeste Cortesi will be crowning her successor. – Rappler.com 

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