Miss International

LOOK: Official photo of PH’s Nicole Borromeo for Miss International 2023


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LOOK: Official photo of PH’s Nicole Borromeo for Miss International 2023
Nicole is competing in hopes of winning the Philippines’ seventh Miss International crown

MANILA, Philippines – The search for the next Miss International is on and Binibining Pilipinas International 2022 Nicole Borromeo is all set for the competition! 

On Monday, September 18, the Miss International organization started introducing its official delegates for the 2023 competition. 

In her official photo, the 22-year-old model and host is wearing a black tube top. Alongside the headshot is a statement from the Philippine bet herself. 

Borromeo recalled being chosen as Carcar City’s lead dancer for the Sinulog Festival, saying that she “wholeheartedly embraced the role” despite her “lack of experience.” It then led her to being crowned as the Sinulog Festival Queen of 2019. 

“My commitment to mastering graceful movements, amidst the relentless demands of both physical and academic pursuits, took me to my breaking point,” she said. 

According to the beauty queen, her whole experience — donning an 11-kilogram ensemble while dancing on the streets for an eight-hour procession — had “tested [her] endurance to the fullest.” 

“This triumph epitomized devotion, showcasing the profound connection between people, culture, and faith — a connection I carry with me to the Miss International pageant, infused with the same passion, commitment, and purpose,” she wrote. 

The coronation night for Miss International 2023 is set for October 26 at Tokyo, Japan. Jasmin Selberg of Germany will crown her successor. 

Borromeo is competing in hopes of winning the Philippines’ seventh Miss International crown. – Rappler.com

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