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PH’s Chantal Elise Schmidt is Miss Eco International 2024 1st runner-up

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PH’s Chantal Elise Schmidt is Miss Eco International 2024 1st runner-up

1ST RUNNER-UP. Chantal Elise Schmidt represented the Philippines in the Miss Eco International 2024 pageant.

The Miss Philippines' Facebook

Angelina Usanova of Ukraine is the winner

MANILA, Philippines – Philippine bet Chantal Elise Schmidt finished 1st runner-up in the Miss Eco International 2024 coronation night held in Egypt on Sunday, April 28 (early Monday morning, April 29 in Manila). 

Angelina Usanova of Ukraine won the beauty pageant. She bested over 40 candidates to succeed Vietnam’s Nguyen Thanh Ha. 

The rest of the top five were ranked as follows: 

  • 2nd runner-up: Nikita Dani (Canada)
  • 3rd runner-up: Fabiane Alcarde Goia (Brazil)
  • 4th runner-up: Valerie Avril (Indonesia)

Aside from her runner-up finish, Chantal also won the Best in National Costume award with her MassKara Festival-inspired ensemble. 

Prior to the coronation night, the beauty queen from Cebu City also took home the Best in Evening Gown award during the pageant’s preliminary competition. The delegate also disclosed that she was rushed to the hospital on the morning of the competition due to health concerns. 

Following the coronation, The Miss Philippines organization took to social media to congratulate Chantal for her feat. 

“Despite suffering a health setback in your journey, you decided to push on through sheer will and dedication. We couldn’t ask for more,” they said. 

The Philippines has two Miss Eco International crowns courtesy of Cynthia Thomalla (2018) and Kathleen Paton (2022). –

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