Miss Universe

LOOK: Michelle Dee flies high in Miss Universe 2023 national costume


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LOOK: Michelle Dee flies high in Miss Universe 2023 national costume

Michelle Dee's Instagram

Captain MMD, over and out!

MANILA, Philippines – Miss Universe Philippines 2023 Michelle Dee pulled out all the stops and aimed for the skies in her aviator-themed national costume at the Miss Universe 2023 competition!

The beauty queen walked the stage on Friday, November 17, and posted snaps of what she described as the “amazing creation” of artist Michael Barrasi on Instagram. “Destination, Filipinas!” she captioned.

“Giving justice to a concept that aims to promote tourism [in] the country WE ARE PROUD TO SHOWCASE TO THE UNIVERSE,” Dee wrote, adding the hashtag #CaptainMMD, “over and out.”

LOVE THE PHILIPPINES. Michelle Dee’s national costume showcases a mural of the Philippines at the back. Screenshot from YouTube

“Behold, Sergeant Michelle Marquez Dee, Miss Universe Philippines, adorned in the nation’s pride and heritage. With each thread woven into the ‘solihiya’ pattern, an iconic design used in the tropics of the Philippines, it embraces her body flawlessly – unfolding the story of the islands’ unity and artistry,” the description of her costume wrote. “This national costume represents the Philippines itself: ‘resilient, radiant and ready to embrace the Universe.'”

Dee donned airplane-like wings that had the colors of the Philippine flag, with an intricate mural of the Philippines’ best sights on the back, along with the Philippine tourism slogan #LoveThePhilippines.

“Crowned with a captain’s hat, this is a salute to her role as an Air Force reservist and to our boundless adventures awaiting in the skies!” the description added.

Dee recently stunned onlookers at the 72nd Miss Universe’s preliminary competition, where she was among the Top 10 delegates who qualified to be a silver finalist in the Voting for Change category. 

Prior to the preliminary competition, the Miss Universe 2023 candidates also had their closed-door pre-pageant interview. Dee said that she’s “overall happy with how everything went.” 

Dee is competing in hopes of winning the country’s fifth Miss Universe crown. Past winners from the Philippines are Gloria Diaz (1969), Margie Moran (1973), Pia Wurtzbach (2015) and Catriona Gray (2018).

The coronation night is set for November 18 (morning of November 19 in the Philippines). USA’s R’Bonney Gabriel will be crowning her successor. – Rappler.com

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