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LOOK: PH’s Pauline Amelinckx photo for Miss Supranational 2023’s 1st challenge

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LOOK: PH’s Pauline Amelinckx photo for Miss Supranational 2023’s 1st challenge

Miss Supranational's Facebook

The winner of the first Miss Supranational challenge will secure a spot in the pageant's Top 24

MANILA, Philippines – Philippines’ Pauline Amelinckx is all set for the Miss Supranational 2023 competition! 

Activities for the Miss Supranational 2023 pageant started on Wednesday, June 14, with the organization opening the voting for its Miss Influencer challenges. The winner for the challenge will secure a spot in the pageant’s Top 24. 

In her official entry, Pauline looked sultry wearing a red piece and posing in a blue backdrop. 

The beauty queen from Bohol also took to Instagram to ask for the support of Filipino pageant fans. “Supra headshot,” she wrote. “This is it. Our [Miss Supranational] challenge.” 

“Let’s do this, Philippines,” she added. 

Fellow beauty queens such as Samantha Panlilio, Hannah Arnold, Jannarie Zarzoso, and Angelique Manto sent their well wishes for Pauline’s pageant journey in the comments section. 

As of writing, the Facebook post has over 178,000 reactions, 40,000 comments, and 22,000 shares. Following this, Pauline expressed her gratitude to the support she received. “I feel so blessed [because] of all of your love and support,” she wrote in her Instagram stories.

Pauline was named Miss Supranational Philippines 2023 in May following the Miss Universe Philippines 2023 coronation night. She will be competing in hopes of winning the Philippines’ second Miss Supranational crown, following Mutya Datul in 2013. 

The Miss Supranational 2023 coronation night is happening in July in Poland. –

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