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Vietnam’s Le Nguyen Bao Ngoc is Miss Intercontinental 2022

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Vietnam’s Le Nguyen Bao Ngoc is Miss Intercontinental 2022

Miss Intercontinental's Instagram

Philippine bet Gabrielle Basiano settled for a Top 20 finish

MANILA, Philippines – Le Nguyen Bao Ngoc of Vietnam was named Miss Intercontinental 2022 during the pageant’s coronation night held on Friday, October 14 (early Saturday morning, October 15) in Egypt. 

Nguyen bested 70 other delegates to win Vietnam’s first Miss Intercontinental title. She was crowned by Miss Intercontinental 2021 Cinderella Faye Obeñita from the Philippines. 

Nguyen’s court includes: 

  • 1st runner-up: Mariela Pepin (Puerto Rico)
  • 2nd runner-up: Cecilia Almeida (Brazil)
  • 3rd runner-up: Joy Raimi Mojisola (Nigeria)
  • 4th runner-up: Tatjana Genrich (Germany)
  • 5th runner-up: Emmy Carrero (Venezuela) 

Meanwhile, Philippine representative Gabrielle Basiano settled for a Top 20 finish. – 

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