Filipino celebrities

‘Given a second chance’: Sarah Lahbati, family involved in car accident on Skyway

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‘Given a second chance’: Sarah Lahbati, family involved in car accident on Skyway

Sarah Lahbati's Instagram

She reassures her followers that she and her family, plus the other vehicles involved in the accident, are unharmed

MANILA, Philippines – Sarah Lahbati and her family figured in a vehicular accident on the Metro Manila Skyway on Friday morning, December 15.

The actress and model took to her Instagram broadcast channel to share the news with her followers and said that “[they] were given a second chance.”

“Just when you think everything you worry about should be the center of the world, you’re reminded of God’s lessons, promises, and the bigger picture. All you have to do is take a step back and let Him guide you,” she said.

Lahbati said that all three cars involved in the accident were fortunately spared of any casualties.

Lahbati reassured her followers that the message was not meant to garner sympathy, but rather to highlight the perspective she was able to gain from facing life’s challenges. “I’m not sharing this for you to feel bad for us. I’m sharing this story because this year has been the toughest of my life, yet I am reminded of God’s goodness, His second chances, and His promises.”

While Sarah did not provide details about who her companions were during the incident, she affirmed that they are all doing well.  “Things could have been much worse, yet my family and I are alive and well,” she said. “La vie est belle. Life goes on.”

Sarah Lahbati is a Swiss-born Filipino actress best known for being a finalist on the 5th season of reality show StarStruck and for her roles in Ikaw Lang ang Mamahalin (2011), Kamandag ng Droga (2017), and the upcoming TV series Lumuhod Ka Sa Lupa

She and husband Richard Gutierrez share two young sons: Zion and Kai.

The incident comes in the wake of speculations about the couple’s allegedly rocky relationship, with Lahbati recently denying claims she spoke ill of her mother-in-law, actress Annabelle Rama. – with additional reports from Dana Villano/

Dana Villano is a Rappler intern.

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