ABS-CBN’s ‘The Voice PH’ airs last episode after 10 seasons


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ABS-CBN’s ‘The Voice PH’ airs last episode after 10 seasons

The Voice Teens' Facebook

The singing competition launched the careers of Moira dela Torre, Lyca Gairanod, Darren Espanto, Mintoy Yonting, and more

MANILA, Philippines – What a run! ABS-CBN aired the last episode of its hit singing competition The Voice Philippines on Sunday, May 19 after 10 seasons and 11 years on air. 

The farewell was equal parts emotional and celebratory as hosts Bianca Gonzalez and Robi Domingo looked back on the show’s impact.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for one final bow,” Gonzalez announced, following the crowning of Jillian Pamat from Team Bamboo as the winner of The Voice Teens PH season 3. She expressed gratitude to the countless individuals behind the scenes who made the show possible over the years.

Domingo then thanked the coaches – Apl.de.ap, Lea Salonga, Sarah Geronimo, Sharon Cuneta, Martin Nievera, KZ Tandingan, and Bamboo – for nurturing so many talented artists across different seasons of the competition. 

The hosts recognized past presenters as well as the very heart of the show: the contestants who bared their souls and shared their dreams with audiences nationwide.

ABS-CBN acquired the franchise in 2013, two years after The Voice was launched in the United States in 2011. Since then, the singing competition has had a total of ten editions – two for the regular/adult versions, two for the teens versions, and five for the kids versions. 

Among its grand winners include Mitoy Yonting, Lyca Gairanod, Jason Dy, and Elha Nympha. Aside from its champions, The Voice PH also launched the careers of musicians Moira dela Torre, Klarisse de Guzman, Darren Espanto, JK Labajo, and many more. – with additional reports from Patty Bufi/Rappler.com

Patty Bufi is a Rappler intern.

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