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‘Supernatural’ prequel in the works

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‘Supernatural’ prequel in the works

Supernatural's Instagram

The CW prequel series will focus on the Winchester siblings’ parents, John and Mary

A prequel series based on Supernatural is in development at The CW, according to a Deadline report.

The prequel will dive heavily into the lives of John and Mary Winchester, their love story, and how they put everything on the line not only to save their love, but the entire world.

The show will be narrated by Jensen Ackles, who is reprising his role as Dean Winchester from the original Supernatural series. 

It will also be produced by Jensen’s new production company Chaos Machine Productions and his wife Daneel, who also played a recurring role as Sister Jo in the original series.

Former Supernatural writer and executive producer, Robbie Thompson, is also set to write the prequel.

An official cast or release date has not been confirmed yet.

News of Jensen Ackles’ heavy involvement in the new prequel came as a complete surprise to Jared Padalecki, who played the other half of the Winchester brothers, Sam. 

In a tweet shortly after the announcement of the prequel, Padalecki wrote that he was excited for the show but also revealed that his character had no involvement in it.

When asked if this was a joke, the Supernatural star said it was the first time he’d heard of the project and was “gutted.” 

Shortly after, Padalecki clarified that he and Ackles had a “great talk,” as they do often, and that “things are good.”

“The show is early in the process with miles to go. We’ve travelled a lot of roads together, and sometimes those damn roads have bumps. Bumps don’t stop us. Once brothers, always brothers,” he added.

Ackles responded to Padalecki’s tweet, sending a message of love.

“Miss these talks. I forgot how much face time we always used to get. And I miss that too. I know you’re busy…as am I, but you’re still my brother. I miss you, pal,” he wrote.

After 14 years, the show announced in March 2019 that its 15th season would officially be its last. 

Supernatural follows brothers Dean and Sam Winchester as they take up the family business of hunting demons and monsters, and along the way avenge their mother who was killed by the yellow-eyed demon, Azazel.  

The show ran from 2005 to 2020 with 327 episodes. — with reports from Adrian Soriano/

Adrian Soriano is a Rappler intern.

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