
You chose to break my heart: A ‘One More Chance’ musical is in the works

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You chose to break my heart: A ‘One More Chance’ musical is in the works

Star Cinema/PETA's Facebook

The stage adaptation will feature music from Ben&Ben

MANILA, Philippines – “She had me at my worst. You had me at my best. At binalewala mo lang lahat ‘yon (And you just disregarded all of that.)” 

You chose to break my heart: A ‘One More Chance’ musical is in the works

This iconic line from a Filipino classic film is about to hit the theater stage as the Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA) confirmed that they’re adapting One More Chance to a musical. 

During the final curtain call of Walang Aray on Sunday, October 22, PETA confirmed that a musical based on the movie of John Lloyd Cruz and Bea Alonzo will be their next project.

The stage adaptation will also feature music from the OPM folk pop band Ben&Ben. 

The nine-piece band even treated attendees of the Sunday curtain call with a performance of two of their songs “Kathang Isip” and “Araw-Araw.” 

“An ICON for an ICON! Star Cinema’s cult classic meets the music of the massively popular and award-winning Filipino nine-piece band,” PETA announced. 

Additional details, such as its plot, cast members, and show dates, have yet to be announced. According to PETA, it is slated for a 2024 run. 

Directed by Cathy Garcia-Molina, One More Chance follows college sweethearts Popoy (John Lloyd Cruz) and Basha (Bea Alonzo) on the verge of a breakup after five years of being together. The film was released in November 2007, while its sequel A Second Chance was released in November 2015. –

You chose to break my heart: A ‘One More Chance’ musical is in the works

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