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IN PHOTOS: Wendell Ramos, Kukai Guevara’s wedding

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IN PHOTOS: Wendell Ramos, Kukai Guevara’s wedding
The couple's guests include Dingdong Dantes, Gabby Eigenmann, and Joey Marquez

MANILA, Philippines – Actor Wendell Ramos and his longtime partner, Kukai Guevara, got married on Saturday, December 9 in Parañaque City.

Among those who attended were Dingdong Dantes and Gabby Eigenmann, who served as cord and veil sponsors, Antonio Aquitania, and Joross Gamboa. Joey Marquez served as one of the principal sponsors.

Photo from Nice Print Photography Facebook page


Photo from Nice Print Photography Facebook page


Best wishes @wendellramos2015 and @Kukai_guevara

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Best buds @dongdantes and @gabbyeigenmann Shot during the wedding of Wendell and Kukai Ramos

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The couple’s children were also at the wedding.


Wendell with his kids

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Best wishes @wendellramos2015 and @Kukai_guevara

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Groom Wendell Ramos @wendellramos2015

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Best wishes @wendellramos2015 and @Kukai_guevara

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Wendell, who rose to fame for his daring roles in film is currently part of the cast of Wildflower, starring Maja Salvador. –

Editor’s Note: In a previous version of this story, we spelled the name of the bride as Kukai Guevarra. It should have been Guevara. The correction has been made.


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