Miss Grand Philippines 2014 crowned


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Miss Grand Philippines 2014 crowned
Kimberly Karlsson will compete in the Miss Grand International pageant in Thailand

MANILA, Philippines – A Filipino-Swedish beauty from Oriental Mindoro won the title of Miss Grand Philippines, Saturday, August 16 held at the GT-Toyota Asian Culture Center in Quezon City.

Kimberly Karlsson, 19 will now undergo training for the Miss Grand International Pageant to be held in Thailand in October. She was crowned by Ali Forbes, who won 3rd place in the international competition last year.

Also present to crown the winners were the reigning Miss Grand International Janelee Chaparro of Puerto Rico, and the pageant’s founder Nawat Itsaragrisil.

First runner-up was Rosevemme Fajardo of Surigao del Sur, while Mary Theresa Erna Gomez from Tarlac was second runner-up. –Rappler.com

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