drag queens

After winning ‘Drag Race Philippines,’ Precious Paula Nicole wants to open a ’drag university’


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After winning ‘Drag Race Philippines,’ Precious Paula Nicole wants to open a ’drag university’

WINNER. Precious Paula Nicole wins 'Drag Race Philippines' season 1.

Drag Race Philippines' Instagram

The Philippines' first drag race superstar plans to mentor aspiring drag queens along with her Divine Divas sisters

MANILA, Philippines – Precious Paula Nicole has big plans after winning the first-ever season of Drag Race Philippines.

Aside from gearing up for DragCon UK in London in 2023, the drag queen is also planning to open a “drag university” along with her fellow Divine Divas Viñas Deluxe and Brigiding.

“We will teach kung paano magperform, magmakeup (how to perform, how to put on makeup),” Precious told Karen Davila on ANC’s Headstart on October 17.

She shared that she is already mentoring seven baby queens under her own drag house, so it makes sense that she starts a drag school.

Naghahanap na kami ng mga tao na pwedeng tumulong para maging posible siya (we’re already looking for people who can help make it possible),” she said.

Precious added that she is also thinking of starting a business, knowing that she won’t be a performer forever.

Nagsstart na rin ako magaral ng konti…sabi rin ng mga kapatid ko, sabi ko rin sa sarili ko, hindi ako magiging performer forever, so kailangan mayroon po akong nakaabang at nakaready na pwedeng gawin after all this,” she said.

(I’ve started studying a bit. My siblings told me, and I told myself, I won’t be a performer forever so I need something ready and waiting that I can do after all this.)

Precious was crowned the winner of Drag Race Philippines in an episode that streamed on Wednesday, October 12. – Rappler.com

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