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Which Marvel superhero is searched the most on Wikipedia?

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Which Marvel superhero is searched the most on Wikipedia?

SUPERHEROES. Marvel's Jessica Jones, Iron First, Daredevil, and Luke Cafe star in the Netflix limited series, 'The Defenders.'


Spoiler alert: It’s not Spider-man

Out of all the superheroes in the Marvel Comics universe, there is one who’s drawn the most interest – and it’s probably not who you think.

A study by retail brand GAP analyzed the Wikipedia page views of 548 Marvel superheroes. Out of all of them, Jessica Jones counted the most page views, at 19,146,759 – a surprising result, given that she hasn’t starred in any Marvel films, but only in the Netflix miniseries The Defenders and an eponymous series that was canceled after three seasons.

In the Marvel universe, Jessica Jones is a detective who has super strength, the ability to fly, and superior combat skills – powers she gained after being exposed to radioactive chemicals in a car crash that killed her family.

Following Jessica in the ranking of most Wiki-ed superheroes is Spider-Man, with 18,013,952 page views – which is to be expected considering the amount of film and video game spin-offs based on the character – including the upcoming Spider-Man: No Way Home film starring Tom Holland.

They are followed by Doctor Strange (14,197,117 page views), Luke Cage – who happens to be Jessica’s husband (12,935,565), and Scarlet Witch (12,196,209), who starred in the 2021 hit Disney+ series WandaVision

Other superheroes in the ranking’s top 10 include Wolverine (10,296,643 page views), Adam Warlock (8,279,433), Captain Marvel (7,909,897), Black Widow (7,657,569), and Jean Grey (7,334,062).

For perspective, the least-Wikied Marvel superhero, Backhand – a character in the Strikeforce: Morituri series that ran in the late ‘80s – only counts 107 page views.

More characters from the Marvel universe were introduced to a wider audience recently, with the premiere of the film Eternals – a film about an ancient alien race secretly living on Earth and protecting humanity for thousands of years. –

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