
Heads up, otaku! World Cosplay Summit 2023 set for August 


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Heads up, otaku! World Cosplay Summit 2023 set for August 

World Cosplay Summit's Twitter

As of March, 33 countries, including the Philippines, will participate in the 'world's largest cosplay event'

MANILA, Philippines – Save the dates, otaku, as the World Cosplay Summit (WCS) 2023 will be happening on August 4 to 6 at Nagoya, Achi Prefecture in Japan. 

According to an article posted by This is Japan on Sunday, April 2, the 2023 edition of the summit will follow the theme, “The World’s Largest Cosplay Festival, Fully Revived.” 

In 2020, the WCS took place entirely online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and had a hybrid approach for its 2021 and 2022 edition. The event last year was only limited to 12 countries due to entry restrictions to Japan. However, the 2023 edition will have participants from over 30 countries and regions. 

As of March 28, these countries have representatives for the event: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, USA, Vietnam, China, Colombia, Latvia, Portugal, UAE, Malaysia, and Egypt. 

The Philippines bagged its only major award at the WCS in 2021, when Filipino cosplayers Jin Joson and AC Hernandez won the award for best costume making. 

Dubbed as the “world’s largest cosplay event,” the World Cosplay Summit was established in 2003. It brings together cosplayers – fans who dress up as characters from anime, manga, video games, or any media from Japan’s pop culture – from all over the world to determine the world’s number one cosplayer. 

Aside from the cosplay competition, the event will also feature events such as cosplay photography sessions, runways, and live performances, among others.

Details about the application for WCS will be posted on its official website. Rappler.com

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