fast-food restaurants

Burger King introduces ‘cool floats’

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Burger King introduces ‘cool floats’

FLOATS. Burger King launches a new drink available in two flavors.

Burger King's Facebook page

The soda floats topped with vanilla ice cream come in green apple and mixed berries flavors

Burger King has added new “cool floats” to its beverage menu, available starting June 12.

The “cool floats” come in green apple burst and berries & cream flavors. Iced soda is mixed with either green apple-flavored or mixed berries-flavored syrup, topped with a scoop of Burger King’s vanilla soft-serve ice cream.

Each drink costs P39.

Burger King’s “cool floats” are available for dine in, takeout, or delivery via Facebook, hotline number, GrabFood, and foodpanda. –

Order from Burger King and save using this foodpanda promo code.

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