
LOOK: You can subscribe to a monthly cheese box from La Petite Fromagerie

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LOOK: You can subscribe to a monthly cheese box from La Petite Fromagerie
Three surprise cheeses, crostini, grapes, and a bottle of wine delivered to your doorstep every month? Wine not!


MANILA, Philippines – If there’s something we’d gladly subscribe to, it would be a cheese box, delivered to our doorstep every month.

Local artisanal cheese brand La Petite Fromagerie offers the thrill of a surprise monthly cheese platter in box form, good for 4-6 cheese-lovers, and perfect for your next wine night at home.


What’s in a full cheese box? Three kinds of exclusive, surprise cheeses (specially curated by La Petite Fromagerie’s gourmet experts), tasting notes, crunchy crostini slices, fresh grapes, and a bottle of wine – plus doorstep delivery every last Thursday of the month.


Customers can subscribe for one month (P2,500) 3 months (P6900), 6 months (P12,500) or 12 months (P27,500). 


You can also opt for a half cheese box instead, which doesn’t include a bottle of wine. It costs P1,350 for a one-month subscription, P3,600 for 3 months, P7,100 for 6 months, and P14,850 for 12 months.

Aside from cheese boxes, La Petite Fromagerie also has 4 killer cheese spreads to add to your feast: the Kesovore (P450), a light blend of 3 cheeses, olive oil, fresh basil, and spices, and the must-try TnT Cheese Spread (P550) (or pasta sauce!), made from rich, fatty taba ng talangka (crab fat). 


The Truffle Cream Cheese Spread (P500) is good for fans of truffle oil with their cheese, while the Camem-beer Spread (P550) is a gourmet play on camembert cheese and Belgian beer.


For orders, you can visit La Petite Fromagerie’s website. –

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