fast-food restaurants

Fry-tening! McDonald’s won’t be serving medium, large, and BFF fries for now

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Fry-tening! McDonald’s won’t be serving medium, large, and BFF fries for now

MCDONALD'S. The fast food chain will only be serving regular fries indefinitely.

McDonald's Facebook

Regular fries are still on the menu, though!

MANILA, Philippines – If you’ve noticed that McDonald’s has only been serving regular fries at the moment, it is not a drill. The fast food chain is holding off on bigger servings due to a currently limited supply.

In a Facebook post, McDonald’s explained that their limited fry supply is “because of the global freight crisis.”

“That’s why you haven’t been seeing our fries in big red fry boxes (medium, large, and BFF) in the stores,” they said, quickly reassuring people that they will, um, fries to the occasion by continuing to serve the regular size through the crisis.

“We are working hard to bring back all sizes to you very soon,” they said. –

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